Kim Minso


"A Voice for Change"


          Kim Minso is an active Youtuber who has been documenting her gender transition since the very beginning of 2017. But it wasn't until late 2018 that Kim finally undertook her gender confirmation surgery. “I strengthened my mind to start afresh,” says the young Korean woman. Kim had already undergone several previous surgeries, including body contouring and a nose job, to prepare for this, the most important one to her.


          The journey to get to this last step wasn't an easy one for Kim. She freely admits that she had to “walk along a long and hard way” but she “endured and finally got [there].” By putting her story before the public, and allowing her viewers to see her struggles and triumphs, Kim effectively makes herself a leading advocate for the rights of transgender people in Korea.  All through example. And all done truthfully.


          Kim Minso is an active Youtuber who has been documenting her gender transition since the very beginning of 2017. But it wasn't until late 2018 that Kim finally undertook her gender confirmation surgery. “I strengthened my mind to start afresh,” says the young Korean woman. Kim had already undergone several previous surgeries, including body contouring and a nose job, to prepare for this, the most important one to her.


          The journey to get to this last step wasn't an easy one for Kim. She freely admits that she had to “walk along a long and hard way” but she “endured and finally got [there].” By putting her story before the public, and allowing her viewers to see her struggles and triumphs, Kim effectively makes herself a leading advocate for the rights of transgender people in Korea.  All through example. And all done truthfully.


          What did Kim ultimately discover? Well, her surgery went much better than even she expected. There was a fast and what she calls “surprising” recovery, surprising because there was so little pain involved. She followed up her gender confirmation surgery with a procedure for voice feminization.  Finally, in 2019, it all became official. Kim went before a three judge panel and had herself registered as woman in the family courts. She believes she has finally completed “the last stage of the long path to becoming a woman.” While her transition may be complete, however, Kim also realizes that an entirely new life awaits. What she aspired to is complete, and now she has the opportunity to build upon new foundations.


          What did Kim ultimately discover? Well, her surgery went much better than even she expected. There was a fast and what she calls “surprising” recovery, surprising because there was so little pain involved. She followed up her gender confirmation surgery with a procedure for voice feminization.  Finally, in 2019, it all became official. Kim went before a three judge panel and had herself registered as woman in the family courts. She believes she has finally completed “the last stage of the long path to becoming a woman.” While her transition may be complete, however, Kim also realizes that an entirely new life awaits. What she aspired to is complete, and now she has the opportunity to build upon new foundations.