Samar Omer

Samar Omer

          I am Samar, a 27 years old transwoman from Saudi Arabia. For years, I struggled with the way my voice sounded. It didn't match who I was inside and it made me feel deeply unhappy. I also loved streaming and chatting with my online friends, but I stopped streaming in 2021 because of how bad I felt about the way my former voice used to sound.

          I tried everything I could think of to feminize my voice. I tried consuming many herbs and other things, but nothing worked.

          One day, I learned about a procedure called voice feminization surgery (VFS). It was a complex and expensive surgery, but I was desperate to feel comfortable in my own skin and to be able to express my femininity freely. It was a hard decision to make because I had seen how bad surgeries could turn out. I felt that even if I lost my voice completely, it would be more acceptable for me than having a male voice. I decided to take the plunge and undergo the procedure.
          The recovery was long and so difficult. I had to stay silent for a long time and pretty much isolate myself, but the results were worth it. For the first time in my life, my voice matched my true identity. I no longer had to worry about being misgendered or feeling uncomfortable when I speak.
          Voice feminization surgery (VFS) not only helped me to feel more comfortable in my own skin and to fully express my femininity, it also saved my life! Before I underwent VFS, I was constantly misgendered and faced a lot of social discrimination because of my voice. It was a constant struggle to be seen and treated as the woman that I am. I felt like I was living in the wrong body and I couldn't be myself.
          Now, I feel like my identity is complete. I can talk and express myself freely, without any fear or hesitation. I am grateful every day for the opportunity to live authentically and to be able to fully embrace my femininity. This is my voice, this is my identity.